Saturday, April 20, 2013


No one knows what you want, except you.
You are the expert, the highest authority on yourself. However, you may have a heavy injunction againts expresing need. You hope friends and family will be sensitive or clairvoyant enough to know what you want.

"If you loved me, you'd know what's wrong," 

 Is a common assumption. Since you feel it's bad to ask for anything, your need are often expressed with a head of anger or resentment.

The anger says, "i'm wrong to ask, and you're wrong to have me to."

trying to have a close relationship in wich you don't express your needs is like driving a car without a steering wheel.You can go fast, but you can't change directions or steer around chuckholes.

Relationships change, accomodate, and grow when both people can clearly and supportively express what they need.

kau pikir ada orang yang bisa membaca dan menebak-nebak pikiran ?

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